Jersey 2 on JBoss 7

I received an email asking how I deployed Jersey 2 on JBoss 7 (specifically 7.1.1) while still being able to access Jersey resources (see my Stackoverflow post here). The solution that worked for me was to add a jboss-deployment-structure.xml in my app’s WEB-INF directory and manually register Jersey resources rather than rely on automatic package scanning:

Here’s the jboss-deployment-structure.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <!-- Exclude RestEasy conflict -->
            <module name="javaee.api" />
            <module name=""/>
            <module name="org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jaxrs" />

Here’s a simplified web.xml:


        <!-- This doesn't work in JBoss7 -->



Here’s an implementation of the / ResourceConfig referenced in the web.xml above, where each Jersey resource needs to be manually registered (there’s probably a way to make this work automatically, but as shown below the automatic package scanning wasn’t working in JBoss…):

package io.minh;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;

public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {

	public ApplicationConfig() {
		// package scanning doesn't work in Jboss for some reason
		// packages( true, "io.minh" );


Lastly, here’s the Jersey library I used in my Maven pom.xml:
